Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Papaya (Paw Paw) for Dengue Fever

Good Day Earthlings!
If you're like me, you shudder at the term 'outbreak', because of the fear that at any moment you or the people you care about can 'break out' with some dreaded virus.  So I will try to avoid using the term.  There has been a recent rise in the reported cases of DENGUE FEVER in tropical areas, such as my native Jamaica. Symptons include severe flu-like illness with excruciating headaches, joint, and muscle pain
"Dengue is caused by a virus, and the virus is spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. It lives in urban areas, likes to breed in flowerpots and similar containers, and bites during the day, when people are out and about. There's no vaccine to prevent dengue. The best way to avoid it is to avoid getting bitten by a mosquito." says Nancy Shute in an article about Dengue Fever.  The question is, how do you "avoid" getting bitten by a mosquito?....
A friend of mine has a young son who recently contracted the virus in an urban area (Portmore, St. Catherine), which led to my mother and I researching the illness to find many sources to confirm this remedy.  It has also been researched in Malaysia for decades where it has been a proven remedy. Wait for it...... Papaya.
I learned that (believe it or not) eating alot of papaya, what we call 'pawpaw' in Jamaica, is an excellent preventative for those who can't "avoid" being bitten by infectious mosquitos.  Further, papaya leaves made into a juice is a curative for those who have already contracted the virus, and is a stronger medicine than the fruit.  Now, it doesn't taste delicious, it's rather bitter, but I think it's worth a couple minutes of palate-discomfort.  Speaking of palate, this reminds me that papaya leaf juice has also been proven by medical professionals in Asia, to increase the body's production of platelets (thembrocytes).  Once the virus is contracted, the body stops producing platelets during the period of infection.  If the platelet count gets too low, this can be fatal. Not good.
So if you live in a third-world country where medical attention, supplies, and equipment are not that great unless you really can afford it (and papaya trees are at your reach), you may want to do all you can (or be armed with the right information) to prevent or quickly treat the virus.
Always do your own research as well.
Docta Kitchen

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