For all the caring people who want to help the little ones through cold/flu seasons (since there seems to be more than one cold/flu season), or relieve common cold symptoms, here are a few remedies that I (or Mom) have been using and discovering through years of avoiding the dreaded doctor's office. Not to be selfish to the BIG babies, I will have another article with a few remedies for the grown-ups and the brave kids that some of us are raising.
Some of the remedies we use for our own illnesses as grown-ups may be too strong, spicy, or bitter to get babies to take. But there are a few beneficial all-natural solutions that are mild enough for babies. For nursing mothers, consider yourselves lucky, because anything you take, the baby gets too, so you can take that 'hard' stuff and make it easy for the little one. I find that it is easier to get liquid into children's mouth by using a dropper (like tincture bottle caps) than a spoon; more control, less mess, straight down=no spit up.
The most easy-to-take remedies I have found are:
Breaks up mucus, clears out the lungs of phlegm buildup, and sends it all out. Rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, E, calcium, potassium, iodine(natural), and sulfur.
~Boil the seaweed in water until it turns into a thick syrup that cools into a gel. Keep in the refrigerator and add to tea, juice, porridge, soup, or fruit shakes, or sweeten and flavor before refrigerating and serve as a gelatin snack.
High in lauric acid which kills bacteria, and medium-chain fatty acids which are quickly absorbed into the body to boost the immune system. An excellent anti-viral.
~Cook with this oil and/ or administer 1-2 teaspoons up to 3x a day
(I find that when I have that 'funny feeling' in my throat and take some extra virgin coconut oil, it doesn't go any further)
Regular consumption of coconut oil helps to keep viruses at bay.
~Also massaging coconut oil onto the chest, neck, bottom of feet, back or all over baby's body absorbs into the system and works just as well. (it's good to add a drop of eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, or chamomile essential oil to make a rub)
Warm beverages, especially lightly-sweetened tea will help soothe and calm a sick, fussy baby. (You can also mix in some coconut oil here). Most herb teas are also antiviral and support the immune system in fighting off infections For babies under 1 year, DO NOT use honey to sweeten. For a natural sweetener you may use MAPLE SYRUP (rich in B vitamins), AGAVE, CANE SYRUP, or if you must use sugar, use brown sugar. (sugar weakens the immune system) You can also add lime juice and refrigerate.
~Add leaves and stems, bring water to a boil then turn off fire and let steep.
Boosts immune system, and provides nourishment to the body which can feel weak and depleted when fighting the cold/flu. Rich in vitamins A, C, Calcium, Potassium, and Protein
~Add powder to juice, or soup.
~Add leaves to water, bring to a boil then turn off fire and let steep.
Rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 EFA's. It is anti-viral and excellent in treating respiratory infections.
~Massage onto chest, neck, back, top of head, and bottom of feet. Absorbs quickly into the respiratory tract.
CANNABIS TINCTURE and TEA(Warning: this may be illegal based on where you live. Check your country or state laws, or make at your own risk) :)
This old-fashion Jamaican remedy I learned from my grandmother and my Dad
Excellent for respiratory infections.
~Steep some cannabis flowers (buds) and stems in a bottle of white rum. Leave to soak into a tincture. At the onset of any flu-like symptoms, splash and rub chest, back, neck, top of head, bottom of feet with this solution. Keep bottle tightly closed. Becomes more potent with time. Will last until it's used up.
~To make tea, boil cannabis stems in water.
If you can get your little one to drink plenty of WATER this is a big plus, as water helps flush the system of the toxins released during recovery. Avoid all WHITE PRODUCTS: sugar, bread, milk, (even soy as it creates mucus buildup) which challenge the immune system and slows recovery. Choose instead, fresh COCONUT MILK, which is better over all. COCONUT WATER is full of electrolytes and great for replenishing the body when there is a loss of appetite. SUNSHINE is also great for healing, full of good ol' Vitamin D. It's usually easier to just stay in bed, but going outdoors will improve the mood as well as help speed up healing. Make fun fruit salads, fruit smoothies, vegetable soups, teas, and gelatin instead of heavy carb-sy meals like we're used to.
Nursing mothers: In addition to these remedies, should eat a clove of GARLIC a day (for only a few days), MORINGA seeds 3 nuts a day, ECHINACEA 3 x a day, and plenty of water.
Mother Earth provides many remedies for colds, flu, and other respiratory infections. Take advantage of them, and save yourself the hassle and those terrible fluorescent hospital lights.
Docta Kitchen
It's me, Docta Kitchen. I would like to add LIQUID CHLOROPHYLL (iron and sodium), as well as SLIPPERY ELM (has a similar effect to Irish Moss). Cut the recommended dose in half. RED RASPBERRY LEAF TEA to the list of cooling beverages.
...and how could I forget, COLLOIDAL SILVER. Find a good source; shop around for a trusted brand. Works wonders on wounds too without the burning.